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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Oracle Calendar to Android

October 9th, 2009 by chwilk

I’d like to be able to see Oracle calendar events on my new Android phone, but there doesn’t seem to be a technical solution to do so right now.

The closest (free) alternative is the Funambol Android Client but that does not yet support anything but contacts synchronization. (which I do not want to do across all of Rice IT)

Why Blog?

October 9th, 2009 by chwilk

My favorite place for bookmarks is Delicious, status updates are for Facebook, opinions on current events generally go in the article comments of whatever blog is carrying the news, and rants… Well I’d rather not have my rants sitting around in Google caches and Internet Archive for all the world to see.

No, I’ll just end up using this space for projects I’m working on, and recording clever (to my mind, at least) hacks, scripts, and code snippets.